A Travellerspoint blog

Enjoying the last couple of days before our departure

written by Birgit

all seasons in one day 2 °C
View Around the world 2016/17 on dreiumdiewelt's travel map.

Having left our place, we realized how much stress was suddenly falling off. And seven hours later we reached Kirchanschöring. Max sleep deeply by the time we arrived, but my parents and aunt were still up, such that we could enjoy a glass of champagne celebrating our arrival at our first destination. I'm not sure if it really counts as the first stop of our around the world trip, but definitively it was the first stop away from home. And we absolutely felt the need to celebrate.

The celebrations continued for the full weekend, supported also by Sam's family. It was fun and also emotional to see everybody and to eventually say good bye for quite a while. We also waved good bye to my car, which will have come fun time exploring Styria for the upcoming year.

After two more days of visiting family and having our favorite foods, it was time to leave Kirchanschöring. The weather these days was typical German 'April weather', i.e. sunshine, rain and snowfall were alternating in regular instances. We were fortunate at the train station to enjoy perfect sunshine. Arriving two hours later in Munich we were greeted by heavy snowfall. Walking from the train station to my sister’s place, we carried our bags for the first time for some distance and recognized that the extra 'luxury' pieces of luggage that each of us decided to pack did not necessarily help... Still, given that we could have easily packed another 20kg without getting to the limit, there's no reason to feel bad about the luxury items. And we'll have the chance to shed any unnecessary items before heading off to French Polynesia.

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Saying good bye in Munich featured some of our favorite pastimes, excellent food and a great sunny outing to the Munich zoo. Just to realize that it's actually very easy to observe kangaroos, penguins, polar bears, roaring lions, giraffes, baboons or rhinos - without having to take a round the world trip.


By the end of these six days since leaving our house in Wehrda, we're now relaxed and ready to head overseas without risking appearing like a being very strange, hectic and stressed out bunch of people.

And the German beer we had on that last night before saying good bye to my sister's family certainly helped as well to go into a good night's sleep - the last one in Germany for quite a while...

Posted by dreiumdiewelt 23:27 Archived in Germany Tagged zoo preparation relax goodbye munich april

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Now I understand why we had to have some snow the last couple of days in Europe - to make your departure more special ;-) Looking already forward to the next post!!!

by Anke

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